This week’s agenda of working at home seems a little mundane after recently completing a whirlwind of a road trip. I spent 5 days of last week travelling through Memphis, Oxford, Jackson, Birmingham, Ft. Payne, Mentone, and then finally back to Nashville. It may have been the hottest week of the summer, but it was a wonderful trip! I had the chance to attend summer RUF in both Memphis and Oxford, saw a lot of familiar faces and met a lot more. I also received a couple of tours of my new home, Oxford; I was taken around campus, saw my new office (!!), drove through the square, toured my cousin’s house, and by necessity tested out a nearby pool. Oxford seems amazing, and right now I am feeling incredibly blessed to have been placed in such a desirable town. And Ole Miss is of course gorgeous; although I don’t think I’ll have a true feel of places such as the Grove until the fall.
I was especially glad to make it for RUF at Les’s house on Wednesday night; he introduced me to the crowd (a lot of students for a summer meeting!), gave a talk about pride that really hit home, and then people hung out afterwards and I met many many new friends. And already knew some people, which is always a comfort. I really was able to spend some good time this weekend with Les, his wife Ginger, and another intern (and mentor, predecessor, friend), Lauren Babbitt. I also made it onto the Ole Miss RUF website!

Through this trip I also got to spend time with Emily (intern friend at Rhodes), my sister Molly and her baby Kate, my grandparents in Jackson, the Mississippi Mass Choir at First Baptist Church in Jackson (that church will never be the same), Libbie (intern friend at UVA), and numerous friends at DeSoto, including my sister Margaret (the current DeSoto preacher) and my friend Michal (the photographer who can claim both works of art on this site so far).
I am back in Nashville now, reading Trusting God by Jerry Bridges as a part of my study program, and working on raising support. I still have a ways to go and sometimes updates are a little disappointing, but when I look at the individual donors I am overwhelmed and encouraged. This process is breaking me down a little and helping me realize my need to rely on the Lord for his provision. I’m learning that I need to work towards this support as if it were up to me, but be at peace as if it is up to God (because it is).
Thank you for your continued prayers!