It’s been a long, long time since my last post, but rather than deleting it I decided to give it a second try. I think I’m just not good at this blogging thing, but here I am with an update anyway!
Spring has been restorative at Ole Miss. After a rainy fall and a cold winter (yep, even in Mississippi), we are welcoming the seemingly constant sunshine, 70-80 degree whether, the green of the leaves and grass and all the other colors popping up. I am constantly thankful for the Grove; that grassy center of campus has provided the perfect gathering spot for students coming out of hibernation. More days than not I end up spending large chunks of time with groups of students outside, either sharing a meal, throwing a Frisbee, or just basking in the sunlight. The Grove is the perfect breeding grounds of a growing community that feels biblical and right.
While I thought Spring would be a little more restful and unscheduled, the lack of football has only given room for a slew of other activities and events that have sufficiently filled up our time and made us busy, once again. In March we hosted what was in my opinion a hugely successful party with MS State. We joined together in Tupelo for a night of music and dancing, and I’ve had students tell me it was their favorite night of the year.
For Spring Break, we hosted 2 trips: one to Romania with an ESL focus, and another to New York City to learn about the Church in the city. Hammond and I followed Les to NYC with a group of 14 for a week of insightful conversations, meaningful service opportunities, and of course a little exploring.
Recently, it is hard to find a free moment on the weekends with all the engagement parties and music festivals going on; it seems a time of celebration, as I think the end of the school year always is.
While speaking of celebrating, now’s a good time to mention that I am loving the freshman class. We still have a weekly attendance of around 50 to the Freshman Bible Study taught by Les. It has been incredible to see the transformation of these students: from the kids fresh out of high school stumbling across this study, to the now tightly knit friendships and growing community. Just last Sunday while walking through campus I came across a group of about 25 of our Freshman Bible Study students all hanging out in the Grove with one another, just enjoying the sunny afternoon. This is such blessing; while Ole Miss is of course driven by a whole lot of social pressure, it is just as hard as at any school to find a comfortable family of friends, which I believe our RUF students are finding. It is what Les, Lauren, Hammond and I have been “working” towards and praying for all year, and it is amazing to see the Lord answering prayers. Encouraging and actually heart-warming. I am excited for the next 3 years for these students.
I loved Oxford for its charm, beauty, and reputation in the fall; now I am loving it for its people.
you're back! sounds like you're having a great spring, i'm so glad